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I got really bored so i decided to make another site.....prolly boringer than the otherz....

My Favorites

Favorite Band or Musician: Jimmy Buffet
Favorite TV show: Anything MTV
Favorite movie: White Chicks
Favorite book: umm..i dont do bookz..magazines (Seventeen and YM)
Favorite sports team: huh???..oh..i duno..dont do sportz either
Favorite food: Fried Chicken

My Hobbies

I like to talk and hang out with friends...and i love to go over to kingsbridge at an undecent hour...(cough) Tonya and Alecia and Dani know wat i mean..sry Alecia bout waking u up that one time....it was an accident..lol.okaayyyyy......interesting...

Most Admired

uhh..i would have to say myself..i just dont see how i do it...na im just kidding....im not that self-centered or n e thing..i dont think i admire n e one.....hmmmz...ill get back to u on that...


Email me at umm... putasmileon1493@yahoo.com

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